Upcoming in 2013:

where can i buy isotretinoin in stores Happy 2013! A mild winter (so far) has seen much composing and much running on the streets of New Haven and Hamden. Some upcoming events on the calendar for 2013 include:

  • the premiere of Such sphinxes as these obey no one but their master with Brad Wells and the amazing Roomful of Teeth on February 26th, up here at Yale.
  • a performance of Push, for percussion orchestra, by the University of Kentucky Percussion Ensemble out in Lexington, KY on April 8th
  • a residency in mid-April at the Levine School in Washington, DC, where I’ll lead a masterclass with their students and Pictures on Silence will perform my piece Plunge
  • my first marathon, which I’ll be running in Los Angeles on St. Patricks Day (not music related, I know, but training is taking up a lot of my time and I figure the more I talk about doing it, the less I’ll consider dropping out!)
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